Lifestyle | Cameron Esposito & Rhea Butcher | Comedy Works | May 15

Source: Instagram @cameronesposito 

Source: Instagram @cameronesposito 

There is something to be said about bad two ass women. Women empowering women. And just all around badassery. Bottom line? these two were just flat out wonderful. Touring the world with your significant other can be difficult, especially when everyone in the crowd wants to fuck you. Literally every single women in the audience, straight or lesbian, wanted to get themselves a bit of fine comedic ass. (I say straight because I was questioning myself there for a second).

Source: Instagram @rheabutcher

Source: Instagram @rheabutcher

Rhea opened the evening and right off the bat, I wished that I could call her up late night and talk about her dog eating Pizzle Sticks. This women is straight up hilarious. Her set contained the obvious jokes about being a lesbian, which are always funny, but transcended the traditional with funny anecdotes about being a vegetarian and eating bacon or having to buy your dog a dried bull's penis. Rhea just has a way with words and I'm quite smitten to be honest.  I loved Cameron Esposito's set, but Rhea connected with the crowd on a more intimate level and in my opinion, had a better set than Cameron.

Cameron surprisingly wasn't wearing her signature jean, but instead opted for the vest button down combo which accentuated her eyes. I loved her lesbian and "being a women" jokes. I will never ever look at my period in the same light. Or maybe just in the light in general. I'll stick to back alleys and dark rooms from now on... Or will I ever eat strawberries without silently dying inside. Listening to Cameron talk about growing up in Rural Suburban Town, America wearing a coon skin cap to school everyday was the highlight of my week. But also, watching her get ogled and heckled by hungry lesbians was a close second.

It must be hard to be in the same profession as your fiance, but these two have it down to an art. I was lucky to see them at Comedy Works and will be stalking them on Instagram until they come back to the Mile High.  (You should too. #relationshipgoals)..



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