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Colorado Crush: Taking Street Art To Another Level

Amazing artwork on display at Colorado Crush (Photo Credit: Robert Castro)

The block was hot! (Photo Credit: Robert Castro)

Colorado Crush couldn’t have been more properly named; every street artist literally crushed it during this year’s art party. We perused through the dog walkers and art aficionados, breathing in the paint fumes, the aromas of street tacos and the sweet, sticky scent of the rich Rino art culture. We couldn’t have been more impressed with the artists performing the live paintings (seeing as how we struggle applying paint to canvas in the privacy of our own apartments) but countless creative souls braved questionable ladders and scaffolds,, oil slicked alleyways and innumerable prying eyes to beautify the Rino district. 

Dope piece by Instagram users: @scribeswalks and @mikeroane (Photo Credit: Robert Castro)

Instagram user and the talented Mr @Detour303 (Photo Credit: Robert Castro)

The seventh annual ‘The Crush’ drew in artists from all corners of the globe, showcasing those with more traditional street art talent alongside those who err on experimental. With densely saturated pigment in the style of fauvist expressionism, neons akin to the city streetscape and urban jungle also serving as their canvas. Giving the artists a full week to complete their own masterpiece, the seven day stint gives us all fresh art to enjoy for a full 365 days. After the winter comes, leaving this year’s works weatherbeaten and shodden, the next Colorado Crush will inevitably roll through town, presenting artists another chance to perfect the Rino landscape. 

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